Pickleball - Fun From Day One!
Places To Play
In Catawba County
*** Hickory *** Conover *** Newton *** Sherrill's Ford ***

We currently have 23 outdoor Free-to-Play public, pickleball only, courts spread throughout Catawba County and six indoor courts: four at Highland Recreation Center and two and the Newton Recreation Center. Paid membership to the recreation centers are not required to play pickleball there (yes, it's free!) however, you'll still need to stop by the front desk on your first visit. NOTE: Only City of Hickory residents play for free at Highland. For Non-City of Hickory residents (those that live on a property that does not pay City of Hickory taxes), starting July 1, 2024, annual fees are: $20 for those 16 & up, $10 per year for ages 9 - 15, and free for those 8 and under. Pickleball - Fun From Day One!

There are also several other Pay-To-Play venues spread throughout the area.

Click a link below for addresses.

Free-To-Play Park & Recreation public courts.

Pay-To-Play area courts.

"Where's Everyone Playing?"
TeamReach App

Be sure to join our local online pickleball community via TeamReach app where you can find out when and where pickleball is being Pickleball - Fun From Day One! played in the area, and who is going to be playing. Simply download the TeamReach app onto your mobile device, then enter the code(s): HKYPB or DINK2 (for courts in Hickory) and/or MCPPB (for courts at Mountain Creek Park) and for those just starting their pickleball journey, NEW2PB (Hickory PB Beginners). Feel free to join more than one group!

Beginners Looking for Beginners!

One of the great things about the game of pickleball is that it doesn't matter what your skill level is - if you have four people on the court that play at a similar level, everyone seems to have fun! And that's why we're out there - to have fun! One of the best ways to guarantee it'll been fun is to be playing with others that are at least close in skill level. But we've all been there...being the new player. And most of us have experienced the fact that early on one's pickleball journey - well, sometimes it's hard to find other beginners to share a court with. So to hopefully make it easier, we created a TeamReach group specifically for you! After you've downloaded the TeamReach app from your favorite app store, enter the code: NEW2PB. NOTE: This is a minimally-moderated TeamReach group (some features are intentionally non-functional). Please use the Comment Section or Direct Message to communicate with other members. So, when you're ready, just post a comment like, "Anyone want to play tomorrow morning?" and see if anyone responds.

Lastly, if anyone is interested in taking private or group lessons, be sure to contact one of our local area IPTPA Certified Instructors. To learn more about the International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA), the liability insurance that comes with being certified by IPTPA, and their rigorous 3-part testing program, click here.

TeamReach FAQ:
Q: How do I send a Direct Message
A: Tap on the Pad & Quill icon near the top of the page. Tap "Select Members" to choose the recipients. Write your message and tap "Send". Only you and the recipient(s) will see this message.

Q: How do I let people know I'm playing or not playing?
A: Click the Calendar icon, click on the Event, click YES, NO or MAYBE to indicate your response.You can also add a comment (i.e. Will arrive at 10:30) that will show up under your name: tap Add Comment.
NOTE: Some groups choose not to use the Calendar Events but rather, they use the COMMENT section to communicate if/where they're playing. And some choose to use both!

Q: How do I find out where people are playing?
A: Aside from any comments that are posted, click the Calendar icon, click on the event, then click VIEW and then YES, NO, or MAYBE to see player responses.

Another resource for finding pickleball courts essentially anywhere is Places2Play.org.

Hickory Park & Rec
*Free-To-Play* Public Courts

** Hickory **
Highland Recreation Center
1451 8 th St Dr NE, Hickory, NC 28602
4 indoor courts, restrooms; please call for times when pickleball is available at this facility (828-328-3997). NOTE: Only City of Hickory residents play for free at Highland. For Non-City of Hickory residents (those that live on a property that does not pay City of Hickory taxes), starting July 1, 2024, annual fees are: $20 for those 16 & up, $10 per year for ages 9 - 15, and free for those 8 and under. Pickleball - Fun From Day One!

Optimist Park
751 2nd Ave SW, Hickory, NC 28601
4 outdoor pickleball only courts, play area for children, restrooms

Optimist Park Taft Broome Park
115 7 th Ave SW, Hickory, NC 28601
3 outdoor pickleball only courts, play area for children, covered picnic area

Westmont Pickleball Facility
1316 Main Ave Dr NW, Hickory, NC 28601
6 outdoor pickleball courts with lights, portable restroom

** Conover **
Conover City Park
361 5 th Ave SE, Conover, NC 28613
2 outdoor pickleball courts with lights, play area for children, restrooms

** Newton **
Westside/Jaycee Park
605 West J St, Newton, NC 28658
4 outdoor courts with lights, play area for children, restrooms

Newton Recreation Center
23 S Brady Ave, Newton, NC 28658
2 indoor courts, restrooms; please call for times when pickleball is available at this facility (828-695-4317)

** Sherrill's Ford **
Mountain Creek Park
6554 Little Mountain Rd, Sherrills Ford, NC 28673
4 courts, play area for children, restrooms

Hickory Area *Pay-To-Play* Courts
(Membership or Drop-In/Guest fee required)

** Hickory **

Carolina Pickleball Club Carolina Pickleball Club
2022 Clement Blvd NW, Hickory, NC 28601
10 "outdoor" courts inside a 28,000 sq ft air conditioned/heated facility, restrooms, pro shop, grab-n-go snacks call 828-203-2727 for more details

Pebble Creek Pebble Creek Sports Club
605 29th Ave NE, Hickory, NC 28601
3 outdoor dedicated lighted courts, restrooms, pro shop, resale shop, call 828-381-7100 for more details

Mountain View Pickleball
(** Now Open 24 Hours **)

2990 NC Hwy 127, Hickory, NC 28602
1 indoor court, restrooms, ball machine rental, 4 paddles w/2 balls $5, call 828-471-6099 for more details

Highland Recreation Center
1451 8 th St Dr NE, Hickory, NC 28602
4 indoor courts, restrooms; please call for times when pickleball is available at this facility (828-328-3997). NOTE: Only City of Hickory residents play for free at Highland. For Non-City of Hickory residents (those that live on a property that does not pay City of Hickory taxes), starting July 1, 2024, annual fees are: $20 for those 16 & up, $10 per year for ages 9 - 15, and free for those 8 and under. Pickleball - Fun From Day One!

Hickory Foundation YMCA
701 1st St NW, Hickory, NC 28601
4 indoor courts, 4 outdoor lighted courts
Can join a "pickleball only" membership, call 828-324-2858 for more details www.YMCACV.org

** Conover **
Adrian L. Shuford Jr. YMCA
1104 Conover Blvd E, Conover, NC 28613
2 indoor courts, call 828-324-2858 for details

Rock Barn Rock Barn Country Club & Spa
3791 Clubhouse Dr, Conover NC 28613
4 outdoor courts, call 828-459-1125 for more details

** Newton **
Catawba Country Club
1154 Country Club Rd, Newton, NC 28658
4 outdoor dedicated courts, call 828-294-3727 for more details